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Let's make it right

video Jan 2009 (s.t. )
Ed. WASTE - Den Haag
Editor Presentation
To promote the FINISH programme, the project partners invested in a video explaining the reasons to build a toilet.

The film is set in a village in South India where conventional ideas of pollution and purity are deeply entrenched. Absence of good practices in Hygiene and Sanitation results in the spread of waterborne diseases. Lack of a Toilet at Home is particularly difficult for women, who experience loss of dignity and privacy. The film introduces the concept of 'a toilet for every home' through the story of a family.

The father can not understand why his family should not continue their traditional practice of open defecation, until he is confronted by a series of events that changes his way of thinking. People of the village become aware of the connection between illness and open defecation at a meeting held in village temple. They discuss their problems with a representative from a NGO and are assured of assistance in the forms of loans and other schemes.

The villagers pledge to become '100% open defecation free' and MAKE IT RIGHT.

Target Audience:

All public


access to sanitation (CI) (DT) (ET) , awareness raising (CI) (DT) (ET)


India (CI) (DT) (ET)


WASTE - Advisers on Urban Environment and Development - Den Haag - Netherlands

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