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Handbook for Rainwater Harvesting for the Caribbean

A practical guideline featuring best practices for rainwater harvesting in small island Caribbean environments
textbook Oct 2009 ; 64 pages
Ed. CEHI - Castries
Downloadable format: PdF (7 220 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
The Handbook primarily details the application of domestic RWH systems with emphasis on aspects such as rooftop rainwater capture potential to storage capacity, determining storage capacity based on household size, and reducing contamination of stored water.
This rainwater harvesting handbook is a practical guideline to assist homeowners, contractors, architects, farmers, and business owners in offering tips on how they can introduce rainwater harvesting to augment their water supply.


rainwater harvesting (CI) (DT) (ET)


CEHI - Caribbean Environmental Health Institute - Castries - Saint Lucia

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