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Animal waste, water quality and human health

book Oct 2012 ; 489 pages
Aut. Jamie Bartram & Robert Bos & Al Dufour & Victor Gannon
IWA - London WHO - Genève ; Isbn: 9781780401232
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Editor Presentation
Les risques de contamination de l’eau par les pathogènes et excreta animaux sont une réalité souvent sous-estimée et insuffisamment connue. Cet ouvrage propose une revue des enjeux sanitaires associés aux animaux domestiques.
This book collects relevant information, in connection with five different pathogens, on the scope of domestic animal and bird faeces discharged into the environment, the fate and transport of the faecal wastes (and the pathogens they may contain) that have been discharged into the environment, human exposure to the faecal wastes, potential health effects associated with those exposures and interventions that will limit human exposures to livestock waste. It also addresses the monitoring, detection and management related to these phenomena.


health (CI) (DT) (ET) , safety of persons (CI) (DT) (ET) , sludge (CI) (DT) (ET) , water pollution (CI) (DT) (ET) , water quality (CI) (DT) (ET)


IWA - International Water Association - London - United Kingdom

WHO - World Health Organization - Genève - Switzerland

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