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Lessons learned in the developement of smallholder private irrigation for high value crops in West Africa

report Jun 2011 ; 76 pages
Aut. Stéphan Abric & Moise Sonou & Dominique Durlin & François Gadelle & Amadou Soumaila & François Onimus & Bénédicte Augeard
Ed. World Bank - Washington
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This Publication is a sub product of a large study co-implemented by PRACTICA since 2009. It represents the most updated reference of moment on the small scale private irrigation in West Africa. It gives an idea on the way forward to develop the SSI built on the lessons learnt during these three last decades. Experience that can be useful in others countries.


agriculture (CI) (DT) (ET) , irrigation (CI) (DT) (ET)


World Bank - Washington - Usa

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