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Decentralised Wastewater Treatment and Recycling Systems (DeWaTARS) in WA Urban Villages: Development of a Legislative Framework

thesis Mar 2006 ; 125 pages
Aut. Beth Strang
Ed. Murdoch University - Murdoch
Downloadable format: PdF (590 ko)
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By incorporating into the existing centralised system, decentralised treatment units, wastewater can be introduced into new markets as a source of water supply for nonpotable use. Implementing a new water market will be difficult and there will be pricing, technological and legislative challenges that need to be addressed.
To ensure that water recycling systems can be incorporated into new urban development, current State legislative frameworks will need to be reviewed so that the uptake of water recycling technologies can be. These technologies need to be economically viable and sustainable.
This research develops a new concept for wastewater treatment and reuse in WA and a legislative framework, in which, the concept will operate. A new regulatory tool will be required to implement the concept into WA, taking into account health, environmental and other regulatory concerns. A possible version of that tool has been developed in this thesis.


institutionnal aspects (CI) (DT) (ET) , wastewater treatment (CI) (DT) (ET)


Australia (CI) (DT) (ET)


Murdoch University - Murdoch - Australia

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