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Technical review: Borehole drilling and rehabilitation under field conditions

report coll. Reference Jun 2012 ; 129 pages
Aut. David Soulsby
CICR - Genève
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Editor Presentation
   Revue Technique: Réalisation et réhabilitation de forages dans les conditions du terrain Abstract:
This technical review is aimed at project coordinators, water engineers, and technicians. It is intended to be of assistance to everyone, from planners in offices to on-site personnel, in the making of technically correct and costeffective decisions in the field when the drilling or rehabilitation of boreholes is required. An attempt has been made to orient the contents towards problems that might be encountered in the field. Nevertheless, some consideration of theoretical information has been necessary, because engineers will not be able to function without it. The authors hope that they have struck a balance between the practical and the theoretical, a combination that is required in professional water engineers.
The review begins with an overview of the benefits of utilizing groundwater and a consideration of various drilling methods, in Sections 2 to 4. Techniques are compared and details of the drilling equipment associated with each are provided to assist the user in selecting appropriate equipment.

The review focuses on mud and air rotary drilling, as they are the most common methods of borehole drilling found in the field. Details on borehole construction, design and development using these two methods are found in Sections 5 and 6. Construction costs are considered in Section 7.

Key factors influencing borehole deterioration and aspects of monitoring and maintenance are outlined in Sections 8 and 9. When borehole deterioration reaches a stage where production is severely hampered, rehabilitation becomes unavoidable: this subject is treated in Section 10. Finally,
Section 11 deals with issues that might arise while working with contractors and with minimizing the unpredictability of that aspect of drilling.

Target Audience:



deep well (CI) (DT) (ET) , maintenance (CI) (DT) (ET) , technology (CI) (DT) (ET)


CICR - Comité international de la Croix Rouge - Genève - Switzerland

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