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Advanced course in biogas technology

report Feb 2001 ; 202 pages
Ed. SNV - Den Haag
Downloadable format: PdF (5 320 ko)
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Originally, the first-hand materials for this training course were derived from FAO/CMS publications named “Biogas Technology: A Training Manual for Extension, 1966” and ʺTraining Manual in Biogas Technology for the Trainers of Junior Biogas Techniciansʺ published by SNV/BSP (17-20 May 2000) and recent development in this field. Soon after the first training, the handouts were revised and modified by the team of experts/trainers to improve its content. This was repeated after the second and third training to produce the final document in the form of Advanced Course in Biogas Technology in its present shape.

The trainees for this course consisted of professionals working at the Institute of Engineering of the Tribhuwan University with an engineering background. In agreement with SNV/BSP and CES/IOE, Dr. Amrit B. Karki was appointed as Programme Coordinator and in total, 13 experienced professionals have contributed as instructors in carrying out the training course.
I. Introduction to the Training Manual I - 1
II. Opinion of the Participants .. II - 1
III. Recommendations of the Training III - 1
IV. Modified Training Materials IV - 1
Topic 1 Potential of Biogas in the Energy Scenario of Nepal . 1 - 1
Topic 2 History of Biogas Development in Nepal 2 - 1
Topic 3 Characteristics of Biogas and Necessary Conditions for its Formation.. . 3 - 1
Topic 4 Microbial Activities in Anaerobic Digester 4 - 1
Topic 5 Cold Condition Biogas Plant .. . 5 - 1
Topic 6 Various Uses of Biogas and its Merits and Demerits . . 6 - 1
Topic 7 Biogas in Relation to Environment, Ecology, Agriculture, Health and
Sanitation.. 7 - 1
Topic 8 Utilization of Slurry as Fertilizer. 8 - 1
Topic 9 Design Concept and other Parameters of Biogas Plants.. 9 - 1
Topic 10 Quality Control of Biogas Plants. 10 - 1
Topic 11 Role of Management, Communication and Professional Development
in Biogas Technology. 11 - 1
Topic 12 Biogas Installation Cost and Financial Viability 12 - 1
V. Bibliography
VI. Annexes


biogas (CI) (DT) (ET) , sludge treatment (CI) (DT) (ET)


SNV - Organisatie voor ontiwkkelings samenwerking en bewustwording - Den Haag - Netherlands

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