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CMS Guide n°6: Financing sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa

SMC: Guide 6: Financer la filière assainissement en Afrique subsaharienne
outil d'aide à la décision coll. Guide méthodologique n° 6 May 2011 ; 78 pages
Aut. Denis Désille & Christophe Le Jallé & Jérémie Toubkiss & Bruno Valfrey
Ed. pS-Eau - Paris
Téléchargeable sous format: PdF (2 590 ko)
   CMS guide n°1: How to develop a concerted municipal strategyfor water and sanitation    CMS guide n°2: How to create a regional dynamic to improve local water supply and sanitation services in small towns in Africa    CMS Guide n°3: How to analyze the demandof current and future users for water and sanitation servicesin towns and cities in Africa    CMS guide n°4: How to select appropriate technical solutions for sanitation    CMS guide n°5: How to manage public toilets and showers Abstract:
This guide provides highly practical decision-making tools for identifying the type of financing mechanisms to be implemented for on-site sanitation and small-piped sewerage systems.
Initially within this publication is a detailed list of all costs to be recovered: investment, operation, maintenance, studies and accompanying measures, for each segment of the sanitation chain.
Then, for each segment and in accordance with the type of facility and expenditure required, the potential sources of finance are examined and compared, as are the relevant means of mobilizing and allocating finance for the benefit of users.
7. Introduction What type of sanitation is dealt with in this guide?
What are the objectives of this guide?
13. Categories of sanitation costs and expenditure
What are the main categories of sanitation costs?
Estimates of the different costs.
29. Financing transversal activities
What needs to be financed and what are the principle issues?
How to finance the transversal activities.
33. Financing access to sanitation
What needs to be financed and what are the principle issues?
How to finance the 'soft' components. How to finance investment, operating and renewal costs for the access segment.
51. Financing the evacuation of wastewater and excreta
What needs to be financed and what are the principle issues?
How to finance studies, investment, operating and renewal costs for the evacuation segment.
61. Financing the disposal and/or treatment of wastewater, excreta and sludge products
What needs to be financed and what are the principle issues?
How to finance studies, investment, operating and renewal costs for the disposal and treatment segment.


Acteurs de coopération , Ingénieur, concepteur , Socio-économiste , Economiste , Décideurs locaux ou nationaux

Mots clefs:

assainissement (CI) (DT) (OP) , financement (CI) (DT) (OP)


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