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Hydrology: A Question of Balance

book Nov 2004 ; 200 pages ; indicative price: 40€
Aut. J.V. Sutcliffe
IAHS - Wallingford ; Isbn: 1-901502-77-5
Editor Presentation
Hydrology: A Question of Balance is a unique hydrology text. It brings hydrological analysis to life by means of examples in which the author has been involved: numerous practical problems that had to be tackled (often despite limited data, resources and time) are described and the methods that were used to find a solution are explained. The application of a water balance is an essential component of solving these applied problems.
John Sutcliffe offers the experience of a hydrologist with extraordinary practical expertise, assembled in areas with different climates, topographies, levels of development, and cultures. Projects in many countries, including Sudan, Iran, Senegal, Botswana, India, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Bosnia, Poland and the UK, are detailed to illustrate how hydrologists can, and need to, use all the available information to understand the hydrological context of their studies. Practising hydrologists and engineers, as well as students, will learn from this volume which complements standard hydrology textbooks.
Chapter titles:
Need for Hydrological Information, Network Design and Appraisal, Rainfall, Evaporation and Transpiration, Soil Moisture Storage, Groundwater Recharge, River Flow, Water Balance, Surface Water Resource Assessment, Flood Estimation, Sedimentation and Environmental Issues, Postscript


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