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Safe Water for All: Harnessing the Private Sector to Reach the Underserved

report Jun 2009 ; 76 pages
Ed. SFI - Dakar
Downloadable format: PdF (2 630 ko)
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Editor Presentation
IFC has been working with leading academics/experts to identify innovative safe water technology solutions/business models serving base of the pyramid markets and the challenges they face in scaling up. This report is based on a survey conducted in four countries — Kenya, Uganda, India, and China — and includes several recommendations for IFC and its private sector partners on how to better support the nearly 900 million people around the world who lack adequate access to improved water sources.
It explains why proper sanitation methods have not reach BOP (base of pyramid) markets; stresses need for innovation and investment. Details issues in water market, explains business models, and makes argument for investing in social enterprises that address clean water for BOP market. "Safe-water enterprises require business models that can achieve social impact and financial sustainability at scale."


access to water (CI) (DT) (ET) , finance (CI) (DT) (ET) , privatisation (CI) (DT) (ET)


SFI - Société financière internationnale - Dakar - Senegal

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