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Greywater Management in Low and Middle-Income Countries, Review of different treatment systems for households or neighbourhoods

textbook Jan 2006 ; 107 pages
Aut. Stefan Diener & Antoine Morel
Ed. EAWAG - Dubendorf ; Isbn: 978-3-906484-37-2
Downloadable format: PdF (5 710 ko)
This publication is not a plea to implement greywater management systems unconditionally and at all costs but aims at providing a comprehensive description of the issues related to greywater and its appropriate management. It solely illustrates the availability of sound and sustainable greywater management systems for households and neighbourghoods. In some specific contexts (such as populated urban areas), management of greywater jointly with other domestic wastewater sources may be economically more appropriate , e.g. use of simplified sewer networks and treatment of the collected wastewater in a large treatment facility, such as in stabilisation ponds or constructed wetlands.


technology (CI) (DT) (ET) , wastewater (CI) (DT) (ET) , wastewater treatment (CI) (DT) (ET)


EAWAG - Institut Fédéral Suisse des Sciences et Technologies de l’Eau - Dubendorf - Switzerland

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