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CMS guide n°4: How to select appropriate technical solutions for sanitation

SMC: Guide 4: Choisir des solutions techniques adaptées pour l'assainissement liquide
livre , outil d'aide à la décision coll. Guide méthodologique n° 4 Dec 2010
Aut. Clément Frenoux & Julien Gabert & Marie Guillaume & Jacques Monvois
Ed. PDM - Cotonou pS-Eau - Paris
Téléchargeable sous format: PdF (1 340 ko)
   CMS guide n°1: How to develop a concerted municipal strategy for water and sanitation    CMS guide n°2: How to create a regional dynamic to improve local water supply and sanitation services in small towns in Africa    CMS Guide n°3: How to analyze the demand of current and future users for water and sanitation services in towns and cities in Africa    CMS guide n°5: How to manage public toilets and showers    CMS Guide n°6: Financing sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa Abstract:
The purpose of this guide is to assist local contracting authorities and their partners in
identifying those sanitation technologies best suited to the different contexts that exist
within their town.
The first part of the guide contains a planning process and a set of criteria to be
completed; these assist you in characterizing each area of intervention so that you
are then in a position to identify the most appropriate technical solutions.
The second part of the guide consists of technical factsheets which give a practical
overview of the technical and economic characteristics, the operating principle
and the pros and cons of the 29 sanitation technology options most commonly used
in sub-Saharan Africa.


Collectivité , Acteurs de coopération , Ingénieur, concepteur

Mots clefs:

accès à l'assainissement (CI) (DT) (OP) , collectivité territoriale (CI) (DT) (OP) , eaux usées (évacuation des ) (CI) (DT) (OP) , égouts (systèmes d' ) (CI) (DT) (OP) , excréta (CI) (DT) (OP) , technologies à faible coût (CI) (DT) (OP)


PDM - Partenariat pour le Développement Municipal - Cotonou - Bénin

pS-Eau - Programme Solidarité Eau - Paris

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