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Tales of shit: Community-Led Total Sanitation in Africa

livre Nov 2010 ; 240 pages
Aut. Holly Ashley & Petra Bongartz & Angela Milligan & Samuel Musembi Musyoki
Ed. IDS - Brighton IIED - London Plan International - London ; Isbn: 978-1-84369-782-4
Téléchargeable sous format: PdF (4 270 ko)
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Where do you shit? In developing countries, the answer to this question may determine whether you live or die. Around 2.6 billion people do not have access to a toilet. Instead, they defecate in the open. The consequences are dire. Shit carries disease and is a major killer. Lack of sanitation also impacts on general well-being, human dignity and personal freedom. Yet many sanitation programmes have failed to convince rural communities of the benefits of good hygiene.
Following its development and spread in Asia, CLTS is now being piloted in Africa. This special issue draws on this large and growing body of experience. The overview article provides an introduction to CLTS, key elements for success and issues around scaling up CLTS in Africa.

Mots clefs:

assainissement (CI) (DT) (OP) , assainissement autonome (CI) (DT) (OP) , ATPC Assainissement Total Piloté par la Communauté (CI) (DT) (OP)


IDS - Institute of Development Studies - Brighton - Royaume Uni

IIED - International Institute for Environment and Development - London - Royaume Uni

Plan International - London - Royaume Uni

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