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Gewamed Newsletter n°18

newsletter Jan 2011
Ed. GEWAMED - Valenzano
Downloadable format: PdF (3 480 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
- Sub-regional training course in Tangier (Morocco), 18-21 October 2010;
- ational Seminar in Tunisia, December 10, 2010;
- ONILFA World Rural Women's Day;
- Launching of NOWARA Award, Beirut (Lebanon), December 13, 2010;
- Capacity Building Training Seminar on Integrated Water Management in the Mediterranean, Venice, 24-29 October 2010;
- UN creates New Structure for Empowerment of Women;
- Websites section;
- Forthcoming events


gender (CI) (DT) (ET) , Mediterranean (CI) (DT) (ET)


GEWAMED - Intégration de la dimension de Genre dans le développement et la gestion des ressources en eau dans la Région Méditerranéenne - Valenzano - Italy

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