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Water Demand Management Cookbook

book Jan 2003 ; 236 pages
Aut. RS McKenzie & N Meyer & WA Wegelin
Ed. Rand Water - Johannesburg UN-Habitat - Nairobi
Downloadable format: PdF (6 690 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
Editor Presentation
The purpose of this manual is to provide a WDM Toolkit which can be used by water suppliers to assist them in understanding and managing their systems in order to improve the efficiency of water use within their areas of supply.
Section 1: Introduction – This section provides the general overview of the purpose of the cookbook and provides some general background to the methodology used in the document.
Section 2: Concepts of Leakage – This section covers the various key concepts of leakage that all water distribution managers should understand if they are to manage their systems effectively. It also provides the principles on which the concepts of Component Based Leakage Management are based.
Section 3: Important Considerations – This section addresses various important issues that should be considered when managing leakage in a distribution system or when developing a WDM Strategy.
Section 4: Losses from the Reticulation Network – This section covers various issues influencing the losses from the reticulation network including pressure management, mains replacement, sectorising, low level audits, etc.
Section 5: Losses from Properties after the Water Meter – This section deals with losses after the property boundary which therefore includes internal plumbing losses and also discusses issues such as retrofitting and water re-use etc.
Section 6: Public Awareness and Education – This section deals with the very important but complex and often overlooked aspects of public awareness and education with regard to water use efficiency. It does not explore the issues in detail since many of the issues are dependant on the country in question and they vary significantly, due to the great cultural diversity, throughout Africa.
Section 7: Documentation – This section provides some useful references and web-site addresses which may be of interest to the water manager if more detailed information is required on various aspects of WDM.


maintenance (CI) (DT) (ET) , management (CI) (DT) (ET) , wastage (CI) (DT) (ET) , water distribution (CI) (DT) (ET)


Rand Water - Randwater - Johannesburg - South Africa

UN-Habitat - United Nations Human Settlements Programme - Nairobi - Kenya

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