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Community-led Total Sanitation

site internet
Ed. IDS - Brighton
Site internet:

The CLTS website aims to be the global hub for CLTS, connecting the network of practitioners, communities, NGOs, agencies, researchers, governments, donors and others involved or interested in CLTS. The site contains practical information about the approach, information on CLTS in different countries, research papers, relevant news and events and many other useful materials. It intends to serve as an up-to-date virtual resource centre and is a space for sharing and learning on CLTS across organisations, countries and sectors.

Mots clefs:

assainissement autonome (CI) (DT) (OP) , ATPC Assainissement Total Piloté par la Communauté (CI) (DT) (OP)


IDS - Institute of Development Studies - Brighton - Royaume Uni

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