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The Last Taboo: Opening the Door on the Global Sanitation Crisis

book Mar 2008 ; 272 pages ; indicative price: 20€
Aut. Maggie Black & Ben Fawcett
Ed. Earthscan Ltd - London ; Isbn: 9781844075447
Editor Presentation
This book breaks many silences surrounding today's sanitation crisis. It de-couples the "water and sanitation" connection, and argues that to make real progress we need a radical new mind-set. A century and a half ago, a long, hot summer reduced the Thames flowing past the UK Houses of Parliament to a Great Stink, thereby inducing MPs to legislate sanitary reform.
Today, another sanitary reformation is needed, one that manages to spread cheaper and simpler systems to people everywhere.
We must learn from historical experience how to abandon our "Great Distaste" and do the business.
A Short History of the Unmentionable
Runaway Urbanization and the Rediscovery of Filth
In Dignity and Health
Pit Stops: The Expanding Technological Menu
Selling Sanitation to New Users
Shitty Livelihoods, or What?
Bringing on the New Sanitary Revolution


rites and cultures (CI) (DT) (ET) , sanitation (CI) (DT) (ET)


Earthscan Ltd - Earthscan Publications Limited - London - United Kingdom

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