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Regional and Global Costs of Attaining the Water Supply and Sanitation Target (Target 10) of the Millennium Development Goals

rapport Jan 2008 ; 28 pages
Aut. Jamie Bartram & Guy Hutton
Ed. WHO - Genève
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Etude qui propose un nouveau chiffrage des investissements qui devraient être effectués à l'échelle de la planète, d'ici à 2015, afin de fournir de l'eau potable et des services d'assainissement à la moitié de la population mondiale qui en est encore privée.
Improved water and sanitation coverage data for 1990 and 2004 are used to estimate the population to be covered to attain the MDG target, taking into account population growth until 2015. The targeted population is assumed to receive improved water and sanitation in equal annual increments from the beginning of 2005 (the base year) until the end of 2014. Investment and recurrent costs per capita are applied to the target population. Country data are aggregated to 11 World Health Organization (WHO) developing country subregions and globally. Estimated spending required in developing countries to provide new coverage to meet the MDG target is 42 billion United States dollars (US$) for water and US$ 142 billion for sanitation, or a combined annual equivalent of US$ 18 billion. The cost of maintaining existing services totals an additional US$ 322 billion for water supply and US$216 for sanitation, or a combined annual equivalent of US$ 54 billion. Spending for new coverage is focused mainly on rural areas (64%), whereas spending for maintaining existing coverage is focused mainly on urban areas (73%). Additional programme costs – incurred administratively outside the point of delivery of interventions – of between 10% and 30% are required for effective implementation. In assessing financing requirements, estimates of cost should include the operation, maintenance and replacement of existing coverage as well as costs of new services and programme costs. Country-level costing studies are needed to guide financing.

Mots clefs:

mondial (CI) (DT) (OP) , objectifs du millénaire (CI) (DT) (OP)


WHO - World Health Organization - Genève - Suisse

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