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Microfinance for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene – An Introduction

livret Oct 2007 ; 33 pages
Ed. IRC - Den Haag NWP - Den Haag
Téléchargeable chez l'éditeur
This booklet, launched during a finance workshop in India, gives a short introduction on microfinance issues in the water and sanitation sector. Used properly, microfinance can help reduce poverty and empower women.

Mots clefs:

assainissement (CI) (DT) (OP) , eau potable (CI) (DT) (OP) , femme (CI) (DT) (OP) , financement (CI) (DT) (OP) , pauvreté (CI) (DT) (OP)


IRC - Den Haag - Pays Bas

NWP - Netherlands Water Partnership - Den Haag - Pays Bas

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