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Sanitation for all - Uganda - Dignity at last.2/2

Assainissement pour tous - Ouganda 2
video streaming May 2009 ; Duration: 9 min.
Aut. Kerstin Wiedermann
GIZ - Eschborn Great Lakes Film Production - Kampala MWE - Kampala
Downloadable from the publisher
   Sanitation for all - Uganda 1/2 Résumé:
Cette vidéo a été réalisée principalement à l'adresse des propriétaires et des locataires d'un quartier informel en Ouganda. Elle donne une image de la situation de l'assainissement, et offre une possibilité d'améliorer les conditions de vie.
This movie was produced mainly to address landlords and tenants of an informal settlement in Uganda. It gives a picture of the sanitation situation there and offers one possibility to improve the living conditions (there are also other possibilities, of course). The movie is interesting for everybody who wants to learn about the sanitation situation in informal settlements and who is interested in a low-cost approach with mobile toilets.


latrine, toilet (CI) (DT) (ET) , peri-urban (CI) (DT) (ET) , sanitation (CI) (DT) (ET)


Uganda (CI) (DT) (ET)


GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit - Eschborn - Germany

Great Lakes Film Production - Kampala - Uganda

MWE - Ministry of Water and Environment - Kampala - Uganda

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