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Rainwater harvesting for domestic use

book coll. Agrodok n° 43 Jan 2006 ; 85 pages ; Agrodok 43
Aut. Tim van Hattum & Janette Worm
Ed. Agromisa - Wageningen Rain Foundation - Amsterdam
Downloadable format: PdF (810 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
This booklet explains how to collect, store and purify rainwater for direct use at household level. It is a practical guide to creating a rainwater harvesting infrastructure from design to implementation that is illustrated with pictures, tables and examples. However, the authors state that it is by no means comprehensive, since there are numerous specialised RWH techniques determined by local circumstances such as rainfall, culture, materials and costs. This Agrodok will be helpful to households as well as to community-based organisations, NGOs, local government staff and extension workers in both rural and urban areas.


rainwater harvesting (CI) (DT) (ET)


Agromisa - Wageningen - Netherlands

Rain Foundation - Rainwater Harvesting Implementation Network - Amsterdam - Netherlands

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