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Water and Ecosystems: Managing Water in Diverse Ecosystems to Ensure Human Well-being

report Jan 2007
Ed. UNU-INWEH - Hamilton ; Isbn: 92-808-6002-X
Downloadable from the publisher
The purpose of the meeting was to open a discussion on conceptual models for water management in ecosystems and to present case studies on hydrological and ecological resources in different ecosystems and their impact on human beings. More specifically, the objectives of the workshop were:
- Discuss current understanding of water related processes in various ecosystems and their relationship to developmental issues;
- Focus on integrated assessment of water resources, ecosystems, human well-being and ecosystem services;
- Present case studies comprising national or regional-scale evaluations to better understand their needs and challenges;
- Draw conclusions and formulate recommendations on further conceptual development of integrated and comparative approaches in water sciences and management in different ecosystems, particularly considering society’s water demands.
- Develop interregional partnerships and collaborative initiatives, focusing on assessment and best practices from different regions of the world.
- Suggest specific actions in specific areas, which are managed under integrated conservation and development schemes, such as World Heritage Sites, Ramsar Sites Biosphere Reserves or similarly managed areas.


environment (CI) (DT) (ET) , management of water resources (CI) (DT) (ET) , sustainable development (CI) (DT) (ET)


UNU-INWEH - United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health - Hamilton - Canada

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