Water for the world | ||||||
dossier, étude Ed. Lifewater International - San Luis Obispo USAID - Washington Téléchargeable chez l'éditeur Résumé: Importante collection de fiches techniques élaborées initialement par l'Usaid, et se rapportant aux techniques de collecte, captage, stockage, potabilisation de l'eau, d'assainissement,... Abstract: The foundation for this collection of documents related to water supply, hygiene and sanitation is the set of 160 publications developed by USAID titled, “Water For The World Technical Notes.” Contents: INTRODUCTION TO WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION * Overview * Community Participation * Operation and Maintenance Training RURAL WATER SUPPLY (RWS) * Surface Water * Ground Water * Water Treatment * Water Distribution * Pumps * Water Storage SANITATION (SAN) * Privies * Combined Excreta and Washwater Disposal * Solid Waste Disposal DISEASE (DIS) * Water Supply, Sanitation and Disease Publics-Cibles:
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