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The Human Right to Water: An ACF Positioning Paper

Droit de l'homme à l'Eau: la position d'ACF
book Jan 2008 ; 36 pages
Aut. Julie Aubriot
Ed. ACF - Montreuil
Downloadable format: PdF (960 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
This ACF positioning paper consolidates and clarifies ACF’s approach to water, sanitation, and hygiene through a comprehensive understanding of the UN's Human Right to Water (HRTW). This was undertaken to increase the impact and sustainability of ACF’s programs in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector, and to use the HRTW as an advocacy tool in the service of saving lives by combating hunger and disease amongst vulnerable groups.

Target Audiences:

Collectivity , Association , Adult , Cooperation actors


right to water (CI) (DT) (ET)


ACF - Action Contre la Faim - Montreuil

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