Lebanon's National Water Strategy 2024-2035 | ||||||||
outil d'aide à la décision , publication Jun 2024 ; 50 pages Ed. MEE - Beirut Téléchargeable sous format: PdF (4 850 ko) Abstract: This national water sector strategy aims to set Lebanon’s water sector on a sustainable growth path. It entails practical, transparent and clear initiatives to reform the sector, without which the water sector will continue to underperform hindering the successful operation of existing and new investments. This strategy builds on the Updated National Water Sector Strategy of 2020, the Water and Wastewater Sector Recovery Plans of 2022 prepared in collaboration with the Agence Française du Developpement (AFD) under the EU funded program, and the National Water Sector Strategy of 2012 approved by the Council of Ministers. This strategy prioritizes institutional and legal reforms and efficient interventions to secure improved services, while targeting the financial sustainability and the mitigation of and adaptation to the Climate Change impacts on the water sector. The strategy rests on the following 4 main pillars, allowing the sector to reach its ultimate objectives by year 2035: Pillar 1: Enhanced Water Security Pillar 2: Improved Provision of Public Services Pillar 3: Sustainable Utilities Pillar 4: Good Governance and Leadership Publics-Cibles: Tout public , Acteurs de coopération , Socio-économiste , Décideurs locaux ou nationaux
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