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Tranquila, soy tu amiga Carla - Mi libro para la adolescencia

brochure May 2015 ; 39 pages
Aut. Daphne de Souza Lima Sorensen
Ed. Save The Children - La Paz
Downloadable format: PdF
Downloadable from the publisher
This booklet is an interactive, child-friendly material to help girls through puberty.
A girl, Clara, tells her own and her friends’ experiences and allows space for the reader to share their experiences too. The booklet teaches about menstruation and puberty in a personal way, with space to journal, learn practical information, and partake in fun exercises.
Este libro para brindar apoyo y respuestas a las nińas en la edad de la pubertad.


menstrual hygiene (CI) (DT) (ET)


Bolivia (CI) (DT) (ET)


Save The Children - La Paz - Bolivia

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