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Innovations and lessons in solar e-waste management

Global LEAP Solar E-Waste Challenge
report Mar 2021 ; 71 pages
Aut. Hannah Blair & Declan Murray & Rebecca Rhodes & Monica Wambui
Clasp - Washington DC GOGLA - Amsterdam Zuid-Oost
Downloadable format: PdF
Downloadable from the publisher
Editor Presentation
In 2019, the Efficiency for Access Coalition launched the inaugural Global LEAP Awards Solar E-Waste Challenge to identify innovations in off-grid solar e-waste management. Eight companies from five African countries were chosen to test different aspects of e-waste collection and disposal, including recycling, repair and refurbishment, take-back and collection, and awareness raising and incentives.
The aim of this report is to share the good practice that emerged from these projects, to inform future efforts to address growing amounts of e-waste and advance the state of practice in the sector. In examining and analysing the experiences of these eight companies, data and insights were gleaned for others to replicate their successes and avoid some of their pitfalls.
Introduction p.9
The Challenge Projects p.15
Insights & Learnings: Good Practice for Off-Grid Solar E-Waste Management p.24
Improving Access to Waste: Awareness Raising & Incentivisation p.25
Designing Effective Take-Back & Collection Operations p.35
Encouraging Repair & Refurbishment of Off-Grid Solar Products p.44
Improving the Recycling Infrastructure for Off-Grid Solar Markets in Africa p.51
Conclusion p.65
Annexes p.67
Endnotes p.68


e-waste - electrical and electronical waste WEEE (CI) (DT) (ET)


Clasp - Washington DC - Usa

GOGLA - Amsterdam Zuid-Oost - Netherlands

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