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Cost–Benefit Analysis of Sewered and Non-Sewered Sanitation Interventions in Mahalaxmi Municipality, Nepal

report Jul 2023 ; 21 pages
Ed. ADB - Manila
Downloadable format: PdF (4 580 ko)
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We focus on accessing the economic viability of various sanitation interventions through a cost–benefit analysis in the Mahalaxmi municipality of Nepal. The lack of affordable sewer-based sanitation systems in low- and middle-income countries poses a challenge to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6.2 (safe sanitation). We examine three sanitation scenarios: 100% sewered sanitation, 100% non-sewered sanitation, and a hybrid scenario that combines both. We consider the perspectives of residents, the private sector, and the government. Estimated life-cycle costs, benefits (primarily reduced mortality and morbidity), and stakeholder roles are analyzed. The results provide evidence-based insights that facilitate decision-making for sanitation interventions in similar contexts. However, limitations include a focus solely on health benefits and a lack of detailed data on other potential benefits.


access to sanitation (CI) (DT) (ET) , sanitation (CI) (DT) (ET)


Nepal (CI) (DT) (ET)


ADB - Asian Development Bank - Manila - Philippines

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