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Al Assi RBM Baseline Report 2023

report Jan 2023 ; 176 pages
Ed. ACTED - Beirut BTD - Beirut CNRSL - Beirut MEE - Beirut GVC - Furn El Chebak
Downloadable format: PdF (7 270 ko)
Under the Hawkamaa-EU project, funded by the European Union, Acted, We-World GVC and BTD, developed water balance models for the Al Assi (Bekaa) and Al Ghadir (BML) river basins. The CNRS-L also provided technical support and oversight in the development of the models. Another partner was Notre Dame University who conducted water quality testing campaigns to assess key water pollutants of the basins. The models informed the development of a Programme of measures for each basin, which were presented to national and local stakeholders in the aim to promote integrated approaches to water management and ultimately improve water availability and use around the two basins. The Programme of Measures include budgeted actions that can be undertaken to achieve this goal.

Here you will find the baseline report of Al Assi RBM plan

Target Audiences:

Adult , Cooperation actors , Socio-Economist , Local and national decision makers


Lebanon (CI) (DT) (ET)


ACTED - Beirut - Lebanon

BTD - Bureau Technique pour le Développement - Beirut - Lebanon

CNRSL - Conseil national de la recherche scientifique du Liban - Beirut - Lebanon

MEE - Ministère de l'Energie et de l'Eau - Beirut - Lebanon

GVC - WeWorld - Furn El Chebak - Lebanon

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