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Priority List of Indicators for Girls' Menstrual Health and Hygiene: Technical Guidance for National Monitoring

guide Mar 2022 ; 44 pages
Ed. Columbia University - Palisades
Downloadable format: PdF (1 900 ko)
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The purpose of this guidance note is to provide technical guidance on a recommended short list of indicators to monitor national progress towards supporting MHH among adolescent girls. The guidance note briefly describes the methods used to develop the short list and considerations for collecting data on MHH, focusing particularly on this populationiii.5,9 The rationale for each indicator, its usefulness and challenges in data collection, and guidance for measurement are presented along with details on data sources for each and evidence of their prior usage at the time of writing.


menstrual hygiene (CI) (DT) (ET)


Columbia University - Palisades - Usa

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