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Lifecycle assessment of solar pumping for pumping stations in Bekaa

rapport Jan 2022 ; 47 pages
Aut. Dana Bakkar & Rim Saad
Ed. BAU - Beirut
Téléchargeable sous format: PdF (900 ko)
Host communities and refugees in Bekaa are relying more on private water supply such as water trucking, incurring additional costs twice as much as high as that of public supply, where the demand exceeds supply. Hence, the purpose of this research paper is to explore the challenges of domestic water supply to host communities and Syrian refugees in the Bekaa Governorate, including the high prices of diesel due to the current economic crisis, which decrease the purchase ability of diesel, affecting diesel water pumps, and, thus; resulting in water shortages. As a result, this study will aim to display a life-cycle cost assessment and environmental impact assessment of solar water pumping for pumping stations, as an alternative to diesel pump systems, and as an approach for host communities and Syrian refugees in the Bekaa Governorate to have access to quality Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) services.
Table of contents
Acknowledgments . 2
List of Acronyms. 3
Table of contents . 4
List of figures . 6
Abstract . 8
Introduction . 9
Objectives . 10
Advocacy plan . 10
Methodological Approach. 11
1. Study area . 11
2. Population . 11
2.1. Lebanese Host Communities . 11
2.2. Syrian Refugees . 12
3. Water Demand . 12
3.1. Lebanese Host Communities . 12
3.2. Syrian Refugees . 12
3.3. Available Water Resources. 12
4. Public and Private Water Supply Costs . 13
5. Studied stations . 13
5.1. Nassrieh Water Pump Station (Zahle District) . 14
5.2. Kherbet Qanafar Water Pump Station (West Bekaa District) . 14
5.3. Kfardinis Water Pump Station (Rachaya District) . 15
6. Lifecycle cost analysis . 16
6.1. Formula. 16
6.2. Capital Cost . 17
6.3. Operating costs . 20
6.4. Maintenance and replacement costs . 21
6.5. Financial parameters . 22
7. LCC comparison . 23
8. Breakeven between solar system and diesel system. 25
Page 5 of 47
9. Environmental Impact . 27
Conclusion . 28
Appendices . 29
Appendix I: Solar system BOQ – Nassrieh Station. 29
Appendix II: Solar system BOQ – Kherbet Kanafar Station . 31
Appendix III: Solar system BOQ– Kfardinis Station . 33
Appendix IV: Diesel system LCC – Nassrieh Station. 36
Appendix V: Diesel system LCC – Kherbet Kanafar Station . 37
Appendix VI: Diesel system LCC – Kfardinis Station . 38
Appendix VII: Solar system LCC – Nassrieh Station . 40
Appendix VIII: Solar system LCC – Kherbet Qanafar Station . 41
Appendix IX: Solar system LCC – Kfardinis Station . 42
References . 37


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Mots clefs:

énergie solaire (CI) (DT) (OP) , pompage solaire (CI) (DT) (OP)

Pays concerné:

Liban (CI) (DT) (OP)


BAU - Université Arabe de Beyrouth - Beirut - Liban

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