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Challenges and Policies to Address the Persisting Problems of Sanitation Workers in South Asia

Background note to the workshop on decent work for sanitation workers in South Asia
report Oct 2021 ; 43 pages
Aut. Sukhadeo Thorat
Ed. ILO - Genève
Downloadable format: PdF (1 080 ko)
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This background note examines the situation of sanitation workers in South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) through a decent work lens. Sanitation workers include those who empty septic pits and tanks, provide transportation of fecal sludge, perform sewer maintenance, and work in treatment plants The note also includes a summary of relevant International Labour Organization (ILO) instruments that can provide a basis to address main challenges to decent work for sanitation workers.
The information included in this note was obtained through desk research, and its data and content may need to be complemented by ILO’s tripartite constituents participating in the workshop on decent work for sanitation workers in South Asia (11-13 October 2021).


occupation - profession (CI) (DT) (ET) , safety of persons (CI) (DT) (ET)


ILO - Organisation Internationale du Travail - Genève - Switzerland

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