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Sampling for Faecal Sludge and Other Liquid Wastes in Emergency Settings

guide coll. Methodologies & Application from documented experience n° 1 Jan 2021 ; 54 pages
Ed. UPM - Munich
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The goal of this technical assistance assignment was to provide support to the emergency WASH sector and local administration, regarding sanitation and faecal sludge management, with focus on value-recovery in emergency settings, in order to sustainably improve the living conditions of displaced populations and their hosting communities.
1. Introduction .1
2. Overview .2
3. Strategy .3
3. 1 Strategy Definition. 3
3. 2 Experience in Bangladesh. 4
3. 3 Experience in Lebanon. 5
3. 4 Defining Sampling Strategies . 6
3. 5 Analytical Parameters . 7
4. Preparation . 11
4. 1 Laboratory . 11
4. 2 Staff. 13
4. 3 Materials & Equipment. 15
4. 4 DIY Sampling Devices . 17
5. Collection .22
5. 1 PPE & Safety . 22
5. 2 Quality Assurance . 23
5. 3 Quality Control . 23
5. 4 Sampling Methodologies. 24
5. 5 Sample Preparation. 31
5. 6 On-Site Measurements. 33
5. 7 Transportation . 35
6. Preservation .36
6. 1 Methods . 36
7. Analysis .37
7. 1 PPE & Laboratory Safety . 37
7. 2 Data Log . 38
8. Analysis Protocols .39
9. Credits .47

Mots clefs:

assainissement autonome (CI) (DT) (OP) , humanitaire, urgentiste (CI) (DT) (OP)


UPM - UPM Umwelt-Projekt-Management GmbH - Munich - Allemagne

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