retour liste de documents détaillée17 documents:

1to 17 of 17

Government institutional emergent issues and gaps in disaster management mechanisms for WASH: a case study of Zambia's Kanyama peri-urban area 
article - 2022 - 12 pp
Ed. IWA - London
Engaging Men and Boys for Gender-Transformative WASH 
publication - 2022 - 23 pp
Ed. IDS - Brighton
Systems Reboot: Sanitation Sector Change in Maputo and Lusaka 
report - 2019 - 29 pp
Ed. WSUP - London
Regulating Rural Water Supply Services 
report - 2019 - 52 pp
Ed. GIZ - Eschborn
Aligning Institutions and Incentives for Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Services 
report - 2018 - 199 pp
Ed. World Bank - Washington
World Water Week 2017, Stockholm - "Safely managed sanitation in small towns" sessions: minutes of the sessions 1 & 2 
report - 2017 - 17 pp
Ed. GIZ - Eschborn GRET - Nogent sur Marne EAWAG - Dubendorf pS-Eau - Paris SuSanA - Eschborn WaterAid - London World Bank - Washington
Providing Water to Poor People in African Cities: Lessons from Utility Reforms 
report - 2016
Ed. WSP - Washington World Bank - Washington
Menstrual Hygiene Management Toolkit 
game , education kit - 2015 - 51 pp
Ed. USAID - Washington
Ensuring Safe Sanitation for Children 
position paper - 2014 - 4 pp
Ed. UNICEF - New York WSP - Washington
Partout et pour tous, une vision pour l'accès à l'eau potable, à l'hygiène et à l'assainissement après 2015 
report - 2013 - 40 pp
Ed. WaterAid - London
Africa: Economics of Sanitation Initiative 
position paper - 2012
Ed. WSP - Washington
Think local, act local 
Effective financing of local governments to provide water and sanitation services report - 2008 - 39 pp
Ed. WaterAid - London
Think local, act local 
Financement efficace des collectivités locales pour assurer des services d'eau et d'assainissement report - 2008 - 39 pp
Ed. WaterAid - London
Corruption in the Water Sector 
report - 2008 - 282 pp
Ed. Transparency International - Berlin Transparency International France - Paris
Water and HIV: Working for Positive Solutions 
book - 2007 - 38 pp
Ed. ACF - Montreuil
L'Afrique et les ODM sur l'eau et l'assainissement 
Un état des lieux dans seize pays africains book - 2006 - 125 pp
Ed. WSP - Africa - Nairobi
Small bore sewer study 
report - 1992 - 64 pp
Ed. CIEH - Ouagadougou GIZ - Eschborn

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