retour liste de documents détaillée38 documents:

1to 38 of 38

Menstrual health in east asia and the pacific : regional progress review 
report - 2023 - 100 pp
Ed. Burnet institute - Melbourne UNICEF - New York WaterAid - London
Gender equality in the water supply & sewerage enterprises after equitization in Vietnam 
report - 2020 - 62 pp
Ed. VWSA - Hanoi
Guidance to mobilize community participation in Water Resource protection in Vietnam 
report - 2020 - 52 pp
Ed. VWSA - Hanoi
Rapport d'étude n°13 Prospective Asie du Sud Est 
report - 2020 - 111 pp
Ed. IRIS - Paris
Scaling-up access to safe drinking water: the case for complementarity strategies and actions between bottled water and piped networks 
position paper - 2020 - 20 pp
Ed. 1001 fontaines pour demain - Paris
Vers une gestion durable de l'eau au Vietnam (L'Asie et nous 3/6) 
video streaming - 2020 - 10 mn
Ed. AFD - Paris
Waterminer – a regional spatio-temporal approach to water reuse management in mining areas in Vietnam 
article - 2020 - 8 pp
Ed. IWA - London
Eau et Assainissement au Vietnam 
report - 2019 - 9 pp
Ed. Ambassade de France - Hanoï
Towards a Safe, Clean and Resilient Water System in Vietnam 
video presentation video - 2019 - 3 mn
Ed. World Bank - Washington
In Vietnam, sound Water Development approaches yield positive benefits 
poster, visual aid - 2019 - 2 pp
Ed. World Bank - Washington
Vietnam's growth success comes with challenges for water resources 
poster, visual aid - 2019 - 4 pp
Ed. World Bank - Washington
Tackling a crisis of "too dirty, too little, too polluted" toward a better water future for Vietnam 
poster, visual aid - 2019 - 2 pp
Ed. World Bank - Washington
Vietnam : Toward a safe, clean, and resilient water system 
report - 2019 - 190 pp
Ed. World Bank - Washington
La transition énergétique au Vietnam 
decision support instrument , pamphlet - 2019 - 2 pp
Ed. AFD - Paris
Who is being left behind? An analysis of improved drinking water and basic sanitation access in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta 
article - 2018 - 12 pp
Ed. IWA - London
Current situation and policies on wastewater management in Vietnam 
slide show powerpoint - 2017 - 9 pp
Ed. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment - Hanoï
Lettre du pS-Eau 81 
Responsabilités et mobilisation de moyens au niveau local, un gage de pérennité des services ? newsletter - 2016 - 16 pp
Ed. pS-Eau - Paris
Recommandations on adaptative measures for Cau Do and Hoa Lien water supply facilities 
report - 2016
Ed. CVIWR - Institute for Social and Environmental Transition - International - Boulder
Making it count: Integrating gender into climate change and disaster risk reduction: a practical how to guide 
guide - 2015 - 196 pp
Ed. CARE - Hanoi GIZ - Hanoi UN Women - Hanoi
Economic Assessment of Sanitation Interventions in Southeast Asia: A Six Country Study Conducted in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, the Philippines, Vietnam and Yunnan Province (China) 
report - 2015 - 92 pp
Ed. WSP - EAP - Jakarta
Investing in the Next Generation: Children Grow Taller, and Smarter, in Rural, Mountainous Villages of Vietnam Where Community Members Use Improved Sanitation 
position paper - 2014 - 8 pp
Ed. WSP - Washington
Urban Water Supply and Sanitation in Southeast Asia: A Guide to Good Practice 
book - 2014 - 159 pp
Ed. ADB - Manila
Productive Biogas: Current and Future Development 
Five case studies across Vietnam, Uganda, Honduras, Mali and Peru report - 2014 - 109 pp
Ed. SNV - Den Haag
Water and Its Many Issues - Methods and Cross-cutting Analysis 
report - 2013 - 346 pp
Ed. AFD - Paris
Statut, hygiène, sécurité et conditions de travail des récupérateurs et recycleurs de déchets informels à Addis Abeba, à Ho Chi Minh Ville, à Antananarivo et à Bogota 
report - 2012 - 58 pp
Ed. ENDA Europe - Paris ENDA Madagascar - Antananarivo
Economic Assessment of Sanitation Interventions in Vietnam 
report - 2012 - 262 pp
Ed. WSP - Washington
Aide basée sur les résultats au Viet Nam: Accès des ménages ruraux aux services d'adduction d'eau 
position paper - 2011 - 4 pp
Ed. GPOBA - Washington
Accès de tous aux services d'eau : le rôle des petits opérateurs privés à Hô Chi Minh Ville, Vietnam 
report - 2010 - 106 pp
Ed. AFD - Paris
Lettre du pS-Eau 55 
En route pour 2008, consacrée «Année de l'Assainissement » newsletter - 2007 - 16 pp
Ed. pS-Eau - Paris
Fiche Viêt Nam 
position paper - 2007 - 7 pp
Ed. OIEau - Paris
Lettre du pS-Eau 53 
Accroître les échanges, conjuguer nos efforts ! newsletter - 2006 - 16 pp
Ed. pS-Eau - Paris
National Water Resources Strategy Towards the year 2020 
report - 2006 - 26 pp
Ed. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment - Hanoï
CNEE Vietnam - Présentation 
slide show powerpoint - 2006
Ed. CNEE - Hanoï
Water Treatment Glossary 
software - 2006
Ed. CNEE - Hanoï Degrémont - Rueil Malmaison
La Ville Vietnamienne en transition - (Chapitre) Évolution de la gestion publique de l'eau. Transition, compromis et innovation. 
book - 2006 - 35 pp
Ed. Karthala - Paris
Gestion durable des déchets et de l'assainissement urbain 
book - 2005 - 242 pp
Ed. MEAE - Paris PDM - Cotonou pS-Eau - Paris
Gestion durable des déchets et de l'assainissement urbain 
report - 2003 - 50 pp
Ed. PDM - Cotonou pS-Eau - Paris
Sludge management in developing countries. Planning manual 
Manuel de planification textbook - 2002 - 63 pp
Ed. EAWAG - Dubendorf

1 to 38 of 38