retour liste de documents détaillée15 documents:

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Assessing mutual accountability to strengthen national WASH systems and achieve the SDG targets for water and sanitation 
article - 2022 - 14 pp
Ed. IWA - London
Détourner les déchets 
report - 2019 - 184 pp
Ed. AFD - Paris
Les déchets, combien ça coûte ? 
position paper - 2018 - 4 pp
Ed. AFD - Paris Gevalor -
Institutional WASH in the SDGs: data gaps and opportunities for national monitoring 
article - 2018 - 12 pp
Ed. IWA - London
Fecal Sludge Management: Diagnostics for Service Delivery in Urban Areas. Case Study Reports 
report - 2016 - 470 pp
Ed. WSP - Washington World Bank - Washington
Attention! Travaux en cours: L'extension des réseaux de services essentiels dans les quartiers irréguliers de Delhi et Lima 
thesis - 2014 - 522 pp
Ed. LATTS - Marne la Vallée
Productive Biogas: Current and Future Development 
Five case studies across Vietnam, Uganda, Honduras, Mali and Peru report - 2014 - 109 pp
Ed. SNV - Den Haag
Behavioral Determinants of Handwashing with Soap Among Mothers and Caretakers: Emergent Learning from Senegal and Peru 
position paper - 2012 - 8 pp
Ed. WSP - Washington
Saneamiento básico: Guía para la formulación de proyectos de inversión exitosos 
guide - 2011 - 58 pp
Ed. MEF - Lima
The Handwashing Handbook: A Guide for Developing a Hygiene Promotion Program to Increase Handwashing with Soap 
Guide de préparation d'un programme de promotion du lavage des mains au savon book - 2005 - 92 pp
Ed. World Bank - Washington WPP - Washington WSP - Washington
Construction and maintenance of Masonry Houses 
textbook - 2005 - 92 pp
Ed. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Lima
Mercados (de derechos) de agua: experiencias y propuestas en América del Sur 
report - 2004 - 81 pp
Ed. CEPAL - Santiago de Chile
Derecho al agua de los pueblos indígenas en América Latina 
article - 2001 - 51 pp
Ed. CEPAL - Santiago de Chile
Agua potable y saneamiento en América Latina 
Ed. Wikipédia -
Water supply and sanitation by country 
Ed. Wikipédia -

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