retour liste de documents détaillée192 documents:

151to 192 of 192

Hand-Dug Water Wells: a Vanishing Technology 
position paper - 2001 - 18 pp
Ed. IAHS - Wallingford
Hand dug Shallow Wells 
Series of Manuals on drinking Water Supply, Vol.5 book - 2000 - 102 pp
Ed. SKAT - Saint Gallen
Les tontines dans les pays en développement 
thesis - 2000
Ed. UVSQ - Versailles
Fiches techniques des ouvrages d'approvisionnement en eau potable et d'assainissement 
guide - 2000 - 70 pp
Ed. EAA - Ouagadougou
Environmentally Sound Technologies in wastewater treatment for the implementation of the UNEP Global Programme of Action (GPA) "Guidance on Municipal Wastewater" 
guide - 2000
Ed. IETC - Osaka
Biogas Digest Volume I: Biogas Basics 
textbook - 1999 - 46 pp
Ed. GIZ - Eschborn
Wells Construction 
report - 1999 - 289 pp
Ed. Peace Corps - Washington
Using Water Resources From Village 
textbook - 1999 - 151 pp
Ed. EnterpriseWorks - Washington
Handbook of Gravity-flow water systems 
textbook - 1999 - 251 pp
Ed. UNICEF - Kathmandu
Hand Dug Wells and Their Construction 
textbook - 1999 - 242 pp
Ed. Practical Action - Rugby
Well Construction and Equipment: Examples from Cambodia 
report - 1998 - 160 pp
Ed. GRET - Nogent sur Marne
Les Puits 
position paper - 1998 - 12 pp
Ed. Inter Aide - Versailles
Community-Based Technologies for Domestic Wastewater Treatment and Reuse: options for urban agriculture 
report - 1998 - 75 pp
Ed. CRDI - Ottawa
Latrine Building 
A Handbook to Implementing the Sanplat System book - 1997 - 208 pp
Ed. Practical Action - Rugby
Construction de citerne de captage des eaux de pluie (impluvium) : manuel de formation des ouvriers maçons 
report - 1997 - 42 pp
Ed. EAA - Ouagadougou
Low-cost urban sanitation 
book - 1996 - 223 pp
Ed. John Wiley - Hoboken
Les forages à faibles coûts: Techniques et procédés 
report - 1996 - 95 pp
Ed. GRET - Nogent sur Marne
Manuel du puisatier 
Traité pratique de l'établissement des captages d'eau guide - 1995 - 417 pp
Ed. Grospas Forage - Saint Raphaël
La citerne en plaques de béton 
Techniques de construction textbook - 1995 - 29 pp
Ed. pS-Eau - Paris SUDENE - Recife
Construction of wire-reinforced cement mortar tanks 
position paper - 1995 - 17 pp
Ed. Ministry of Construction, Engineering Services, Housing and Common Amenities - Battaramulla
Low-Cost Sanitation: A Survey of Practical Experience 
book - 1995
Ed. Practical Action - Rugby
Simplified sewerage: design guidelines 
report - 1994 - 29 pp
Ed. WSP - Washington World Bank - Washington
A Guide to the development of on-site sanitation 
book - 1992 - 229 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
La filtration lente sur sable pour l'approvisionnement en eau collective: planification, conception, construction et entretien 
book - 1991 - 51 pp
Ed. IRC - Den Haag
Technologies for Small Water and Wastewater Systems 
book - 1991 - 366 pp
Ed. John Wiley - Hoboken
Hand Augered Garden Wells 
report - 1991 - 29 pp
Ed. LWR - Niamey
La pompe à motricité humaine 
decision support instrument - 1990 - 44 pp
Ed. MEAE - Paris OIEau - Limoges
Well Construction Using Curved Hollow Block 
textbook - 1989 - 122 pp
Ed. Peace Corps - Washington
La filtration lente sur sable: manuel d'entretien 
book - 1988 - 72 pp
Ed. IRC - Den Haag
Le point d'eau au village: Manuel de formation des formateurs villageois 
La pompe: Finis les soucis? educational material , comics - 1988 - 61 pp
Ed. CINAM - Montpellier CIEH - Ouagadougou MEAE - Paris
The design of Ventilated lmproved Pit Latrines 
report - 1984 - 83 pp
Ed. World Bank - Washington
Manual for integrated projects for rural groundwater supplies 
textbook - 1982 - 557 pp
Ed. UNDP - Lilongwe
Well Digging 
A Guide to the Construction and Protection of Hand Dug Wells report - 1980 - 55 pp
Ed. GIZ - Eschborn
Rural water supply in Nepal: Construction design course 
textbook - 1978 - 94 pp
Ed. UNICEF - Kathmandu
Low-cost technology options for sanitation: a state-of-the-art review and annotated bibliography. 
report - 1978 - 184 pp
Ed. CRDI - Ottawa
Water Treatment and Sanitation: simple methods for rural areas 
report - 1976 - 93 pp
Ed. Practical Action - Rugby
internet portal
Ed. World Bank - Washington
Réseau Pratiques: Partages d'expériences et de méthodes pour améliorer les pratiques de développement 
internet portal
Ed. Essor - Marcq en Baroeul ID - Poitiers Inter Aide - Versailles
Water for the world 
file, study
Ed. Lifewater International - San Luis Obispo USAID - Washington
internet portal
Ed. Akvo Foundation - Amsterdam
Rural Water Supply Network - Bulletin d'information 
Ed. RWSN - Saint Gallen
internet portal
Ed. WikiWater - Saint Witz

151 to 192 of 192