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51to 94 of 94

The cholera epidemic in Lebanon 
educational material , position paper , publication - 2022 - 5 pp
Ed. LEWAP - Beirut
L’épidémie de choléra que subit le Liban aujourd’hui met en exergue les problématiques du secteur de l’eau et de l’assainissement.
À long terme, la solution pour endiguer le choléra, passe par le renforcement des services d’eu et d’assainissement, afin d’assurer une continuité du service d’approvisionnement en eau potable et d’augmenter le taux de traitement des eaux usées.
Soap Making Fact Sheet 
position paper - 2014 - 9 pp
Ed. CAWST - Calgary Alberta
Cette fiche technique relate l'histoire du savon, explique ce qu'est le savon, comment il est fabriqué, et décrit deux procédés de fabrication de savon.
Food Safety & Hygiene Training Video in English Level 1 
video streaming - 2013 - 35 mn
Ed. Food safety solutions -
L'importance de bonnes pratiques dans la préparation des ailiments, du bon lavage des mains, ...
Get Bubbly 
game - 2010 - 2 pp
Ed. GHP - Washington
Object of the Game
To become The Bubbly (the leader of the game) by always making the motion of washing your hands before preparing or eating food, and after going to the loo. This allows kids to advance and take the place of The Bubbly.
Global assessment of exposure to faecal contamination through drinking water based on a systematic review 
article - 2014 - 14 pp
Ed. John Wiley - Hoboken
Objectives - To estimate exposure to faecal contamination through drinking water as indicated by levels of Escherichia coli (E. coli) or thermotolerant coliform (TTC) in water sources.
Methods - We estimated coverage of different types of drinking water source based on household surveys and censuses using multilevel modelling. Coverage data were combined with water quality studies that assessed E. coli or TTC including those identified by a systematic review (n = 345). Predictive models for the ......
Global Handwashing Day 2024 Infographic: Why are clean hands still important? 
poster, visual aid - 2024 - 1 pp
Ed. GHP - Washington
As the world looks toward key milestones in hand hygiene progress, we urge you to reflect this question, “Why are clean hands still important?” For us, the answer lies in our collective responsibility to safeguard public health, prevent infections, and promote wellbeing. Use this infographic to learn more about the theme and what you can do for Global Handwashing Day!
Global Handwashing Day Theme Video 
video streaming - 2011 - 2 mn
Ed. GHP - Washington
Graphics On Hand Washing and Disease Transmission 
poster, visual aid - 2010 - 7 pp
Ed. K4Health - Baltimore USAID - Washington
Graphics On Hand Washing and Disease Transmission, including the Contamination Cycle, Drinking and Cooking Water, Feces Management, How to Wash Hands, Steps for Routine Handwashing, and When to Wash Hands.
Guide to implementation of the WHO multimodal hand hygiene improvement strategy 
guide - 2009 - 48 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
Access this complete guide to initiating a hand hygiene improvement strategy and how to use the other tools.
Cholera Toolkit 
guide - 2013 - 280 pp
Ed. UNICEF - New York
Le présent Toolkit compile et regroupe de multiples ressources, internes et externes, facilement accessibles et utilisables par le personnel et les partenaires de l’UNICEF dans toutes les régions du monde.
Habit Formation and Rational Addiction in Handwashing 
report - 2017 - 85 pp
Ed. Harvard University - Cambridge
Regular handwashing with soap is believed to have substantial impacts on child health in the developing world. Most handwashing campaigns have failed, however, to establish and maintain a regular practice of handwashing.
Motivated by scholarship that suggests handwashing is habitual, we design, implement and analyze a randomized field experiment aimed to test the main predictions of the rational addiction model. To reliably measure handwashing, we develop and produce a novel soap dispenser, wi ......
Hand Hygiene for All Global Initiative 
position paper - 2020 - 13 pp
Ed. UNICEF - New York WHO - Genève
The Hand Hygiene for All Global Initiative is led by WHO and UNICEF. It aims to implement WHO’s global recommendations on hand hygiene to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic and work to ensure lasting infrastructure and behavior. It calls for countries to lay out comprehensive roadmaps to ensure hand hygiene is a mainstay beyond the pandemic. It also proposes a framework for coordination and collaboration among global and regional partners, with the primary aim of supporting and growing co ......
Hand hygiene in health care in the context of Filovirus disease outbreak response 
position paper - 2014 - 12 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
This document provides a summary of the recommendations for hand hygiene best practices to be performed by health workers providing care and/or support to patients with filovirus infection (Ebola and Marburg viruses).
The recommendations were developed in accordance with the WHO Rapid Advice Guideline procedures and are based on systematic reviews of the scientific evidence and the consensus of experts.
Hand Washing 
video streaming - 2013 - 5 mn
Ed. No A? Walk Away! -
Learn how to wash hands properly in a public restroom. Thea’s grandmother teaches her the wacky, wonderful, whimsical hand washing method to help Thea remember how to wash her hands properly before eating in a restaurant.
Hand Washing for Kids - Crawford the Cat - Educational 
video streaming , cartoon - 2007 - 5 mn
Ed. Crawford the Cat - Indianapolis
After gardening, Crawford the Cat sits down to lunch only to discover he has forgotten to wash his very dirty hands. He makes a quick trip to the bathroom and demonstrates a good and fun way to wash hands.
Hand Washing for kids with Soapy the Germinator 
video streaming - 2008 - 4 mn
Ed. Wild Flower Production -
Soapy the Germinator teaches kids about germs and hand washing in this video. They'll learn how, why, and when to wash their hands.
With a battle cry of "GERMS ARE GROSS!," our friendly, bright yellow bar of soap tells kids about the good, clean fun of hand washing. Soapy explains that germs, which get on our hands all day long, can lead to colds, flu and scary diseases with veeery long names! Then he reviews good hand washing technique and the Why's, When's and How's of hand washing. Soapy sim ......
Hand washing four fingers game 
game - 2012 - 1 pp
Ed. Menzies School of Health Research - Casuarina
How to Make the Four Finger Game
♦ Cut out the four finger square along the outside line
♦ With the printed side up, fold the square in half and then in half again, open the folds.
♦ Fold each corner over so they meet in the middle, do not let them overlap.
♦ Leave the square folded, and flip the square over.
♦ Now fold the corners into the centre make sure they do not overlap.
♦ Fold the entire square in half and poke your thumbs and forefingers in un ......
Hand Washing Quiz 
game - 2013 - 2 pp
Ed. No A? Walk Away! -
Hand Washing Quiz Answer Key 
game - 2013 - 1 pp
Ed. No A? Walk Away! -
Hand Washing with Sid the Science Kid 
cartoon - 2012 - 4 mn
Ed. PBS - Arlington
Sid the Science Kid shows kids the proper way to wash their hands to ensure cleanliness and healthiness.
Hand Washing: How to properly wash your hands using a bucket of water. 
poster, visual aid - 2015 - 1 pp
Ed. CDC - Atlanta
Wash hands with soap and water for 20-30 seconds. If hands are dirty, wash hands with soap and water, not with hand sanitizers, for 40-60 seconds. Use hand sanitizer or chlorinated water, if soap and water are not available.
Hand Washing: step-by-step 
poster, visual aid - 2014 - 1 pp
Ed. Florida Health - Tallahassee
video streaming - 2017 - 1 mn
Ed. Florida Health - Tallahassee
Clean hands save lives! Regular handwashing, before and after certain activities, is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of germs.
Handwashing and the Science of Habit 
video streaming - 2014 - 76 mn
Ed. WASHPlus - Antananarivo
David Neal is the presenter of this webinar organized by WASHplus and the Public-Private Partnership on Handwashing.
Handwashing Handbook 
A guide for developing a hygiene promotion program to increase handwashing with soap book - 2006 - 79 pp
Ed. GHP - Washington WSP - Washington World Bank - Washington
The Handwashing Handbook provides guidance on designing and implementing handwashing behavior change programs. Although this document was published in 2005, the tools and guidance can still be used today.
Handwashing Promotion: Monitoring and Evaluation Module 
report - 2013 - 120 pp
Ed. UNICEF - New York
This guide will walk you through planning and implementing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for your handwashing promotion programme. Programmes that promote handwashing are diverse and vary in scope. The content of this module is designed to be adapted to a variety of programmes. In this guide, you will be introduced to:
- The 7 major steps of monitoring and evaluating handwashing promotion.
- Choosing indicators appropriate to the programme’s objectives.
- Collecting the necessary data, and ......
Handwashing Stations and Supplies for the COVID-19 response 
position paper - 2020 - 14 pp
Ed. UNICEF - New York
This document provides an overview of available handwashing station designs for policy makers, implementers and procurement officers. It places special importance on local manufacturing and procurement and complements existing technical and programmatic guidance on WASH and COVID-19. It was jointly developed in the context of the COVID-19 response by UNICEF’s Supply Division and Programme Division, and includes products known to be available on the market and prototypes in May 2020.
Handwashing with soap: Why it works and how to do it 
position paper - 2011 - 4 pp
Ed. LSHTM - London SHARE - London
This four-page guidance note, produced by SHARE and LSHTM, explains the benefits of handwashing with soap, highlights when it has the most significant public health impact, and provides tips on how to encourage the practice.
Handwashing: A preventive measure 
video streaming - 2014 - 3 mn
Ed. NDTV - New Delhi
As the Swachh Express travelled across the country to teach proper hygiene practices to people, what came out was the lack of awareness about handwashing in rural India. In a country where over 186,000 children die every year from diarrhoea caused by poor sanitation, handwashing is a critical step in preventing a host of diseases.
Healthy Schools Project 
slide show powerpoint - 2009 - 23 pp
Ed. Cuerpo de Paz - Santa Lucía Milpas Altas Peace Corps - Washington
This presentation is describing the Peace Corps Guatemala healthy schools project
Here's How Many People Actually Wash Their Hands After Using The Bathroom 
press article - 2015 - 3 pp
Ed. Huffington Post - Chicago
1. One in Five Newborn Deaths In Developing World Occur Because Of Unhygienic Conditions
2. 35% of Health Facilities in Developing Countries Don’t Have Soap
3. Diarrhea Kills Nearly 800,000 Kids Every Year
4. Students Need Soap to Fight Ebola
5. Only 66% of Americans Wash Their Hands
Hooray for HandWashing 
comics - 2011 - 8 pp
Ed. ACI - Washington
Hooray for Handwashing coloring sheets 
game - 2011 - 8 pp
Ed. ACI - Washington
How a TV Spot in India Highlights the Importance of Handwashing Before Handling Food 
video streaming - 2015 - 1 mn
Ed. BBC - London
Everybody knows the importance of washing hands before touching food. But nobody remembers it at that exact moment. Nor that hand-wash is incomplete without soap. To send the message across, a mother had to turn into a villain.
How Sanitation Can Save the World 
video streaming - 2011 - 5 mn
Ed. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Seattle
2.6 billion people around the world live without access to basic sanitation facilities - including toilets. Rose George, author of "The Big Necessity," travelled to Mozambique to learn how one village is tackling the problem.
Community Lead Total Sanitation CLTS helps people understand the impact poor sanitation has on health..
How to Make Other Types of Tippy Taps 
poster, visual aid - 2014 - 1 pp
Ed. Ministry of Health - Kampala
This pamphlet shows how to make Tippy Taps from mineral water bottles, tin cans, and hollow tubes.
How to Trigger for Hand Washing with Soap 
A Guide to CLTS Triggering Tools that Result in Hand Washing Practice guide - 2013 - 6 pp
Ed. Unicef - Lilongwe
The purpose of this document is to outline several practical tools which can be used as a part of Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) in order to trigger realization among communities of the importance of hand washing with soap, as well as eliminating open defecation.
How to use Eastern Latrine: Wilbur Sargunaraj 
video streaming - 2010 - 5 mn
Ed. Wilbur Sargunaraj -
this very special episode of Sargunaraj Super Call Solutions on how to use the eastern style latrine.
How to Use European Latrine: Wilbur Sargunaraj 
video streaming - 2010 - 2 mn
Ed. Wilbur Sargunaraj -
this episode of Sargunaraj Super Call Solutions on how to use the European Toilet with Bidet.
How to wash your hands in 8 steps 
video streaming - 2 mn
Ed. Q-Ed eLearning - Gauteng
This is a health and safety video animation for an e-learning project, to teach entry level employees how to wash their hands.
comics , brochure - 2013 - 20 pp
Ed. Huussi - Tampere
Hygiene and sanitation software 
An Overview of Approaches book - 2010 - 156 pp
Ed. WSSCC - Genève
Depuis les années 1970, les professionnels de l'hygiène et de l'assainissement s'efforcent de trouver des solutions afin d'impliquer des groupes cibles (individus, ménages, communautés, institutions et même organisations) dans des programmes de développement pour encourager un changement comportemental en termes d'assainissement et d'hygiène ou de créer une demande pour les services qui y sont liés. Il s'agit là de méthodes ou d'approches dites « logicielles » par opposition au « matériel » tel ......
Hand hygiene and the surgical patient journey 
poster, visual aid - 2016 - 1 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
Hand hygiene is the most important measure to prevent health care-associated infections. That is the reason why we explain with this infographic the surgical patient journey and the moments linked with health care-associated infections.
Hand Hygiene Technical Reference Manual 
textbook - 2010 - 40 pp
Ed. WHO - Genève
Outil à l'appui de la formation et l'éducation
Hygiene in Emergencies 
website - 2018
Ed. GHP - Washington
This page summarizes key resources related to handwashing in emergency settings. For research articles, program evaluations, or non-emergency handwashing guidance, visit our resources page.
Identifying behavioural determinants for interventions to increase handwashing practices among primary school children in rural Burundi and urban Zimbabwe 
article - 2017 - 9 pp
Ed. BMC - London
This article presents the development of a school handwashing programme in two different sub‑Saharan countries that applies the RANAS (risk, attitudes, norms, ability, and self‑regulation) systematic approach to behaviour change.

Interviews were conducted with 669 children enrolled in 20 primary schools in Burundi and 524 children in 20 primary schools in Zimbabwe. Regression analyses were used to assess the influence of the RANAS behavioural determinants on ......
Always wash your hands 
poster, visual aid - 2019 - 1 pp
Ed. GHP - Washington
This poster, designed for children, shows the key times for handwashing and demonstrates how to properly wash hands.
Integrated School Health: A Manual For Teachers 
guide - 2015 - 32 pp
Ed. Imperial College London - London
The aim of this manual is to focus health education in schools towards nutrition disorders, infections and diseases that affect school-age children and community members living in and around Kakuma Refugee camp today. The manual forms part of an integrated approach to school health, and provides education and information around a set of interventions which seek to incorporate sanitation, health and nutrition into a school based platform to bring about improvements to child health in the camp. Th ......
Integrating Sanitation into Services for People Living with HIV and AIDS 
report - 2012 - 90 pp
Ed. USAID - Washington
Globally, more than 33 million people now live with HIV or AIDS (UNAIDS 2009). This epidemic has dramatically changed patterns of disease in developing countries. In addition, previously rare opportunistic diseases have become more common. High rates of morbidity and mortality from endemic conditions such as tuberculosis (TB), diarrheal diseases and wasting syndromes — formerly confined to the elderly and malnourished — are now common among young and middle-aged people in many developing countri ......
Investigation on children's handwashing behaviour and contamination levels in rural Cambodia 
file, study - 2023 - 10 pp
Ed. IWA - London
Ce rapport présente une étude qui se penche sur le comportement des enfants en matière de lavage des mains, les niveaux de contamination et les qualités des sources d'eau utilisées pour le lavage des mains dans les zones rurales du Cambodge. Une enquête de terrain a été menée par échantillonnage aléatoire simple dans le village de Kandal Leu de la province de Kandal en 2014.

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