retour liste de documents détaillée63 documents:

51to 63 of 63

Rural water supply in Nepal: Construction design course 
textbook - 1978 - 94 pp
Ed. UNICEF - Kathmandu
Sécuriser l'accès à l'eau pour préserver la paix - Une recherche-action menée par Care en zone pastorale du Niger Oriental 
report - 2011 - 36 pp
Ed. CARE - Niamey
Security rules and site management for hand dug well construction 
position paper - 2014 - 11 pp
Ed. Inter Aide - Versailles
Solutions vers la réduction du coût des puits d'eau en milieu rural Africain 
brochure - 2004 - 16 pp
Ed. RWSN - Saint Gallen WSP - Africa - Nairobi
Technical Guidelines for the Construction and Maintenance of Hand Dug Wells 
guide - 2014 - 48 pp
Ed. WSP - Washington
Technology notes 
guide - 2007 - 46 pp
Ed. WaterAid - London
Understanding Groundwater and Wells in manual drilling 
An instruction manual for manual drilling teams on hydro-geology for well drilling, well installation and well development booklet - 2010 - 49 pp
Ed. Practica Foundation - Papendrecht
Urban wells: a vital but ignored resource 
press article - 2011 - 2 pp
Ed. IIED - London
Water for the world 
file, study
Ed. Lifewater International - San Luis Obispo USAID - Washington
Well Construction Using Curved Hollow Block 
textbook - 1989 - 122 pp
Ed. Peace Corps - Washington
Well Digging 
A Guide to the Construction and Protection of Hand Dug Wells report - 1980 - 55 pp
Ed. GIZ - Eschborn
Wells Construction 
report - 1999 - 289 pp
Ed. Peace Corps - Washington
internet portal
Ed. WikiWater - Saint Witz

51 to 63 of 63