retour liste de documents détaillée13 documents:

1- 13 sur 13

Adaptation to Climate Change in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Assessing risks, appraising options in Africa 
rapport - 2014 - 98 pp
Ed. ODI - London
Affronter la rareté: gérer l'eau, l'énergie et les terres pour une croissance inclusive et durable 
Rapport européen sur le développement 201/12 rapport - 2012 - 208 pp
Ed. ECDPM - Maastricht DIE - Bonn ODI - London
Analysing the governance and political economy of water and sanitation delivery 
rapport - 2011 - 63 pp
Ed. ODI - London
Climate change, water resources and WASH: a scoping study 
rapport - 2011 - 69 pp
Ed. BGS - Nottingham ODI - London
L'Eau, l'Hygiène et l'Assainissement en Situation d'Urgence 
Revue sur l'Etat des Connaissances rapport - 1994 - 144 pp
Ed. ODI - London
Making humanitarian and development WASH work better together 
rapport - 2016
Ed. ODI - London
Money into Water, Water into Money Overview 
film video internet - 2007 - 19 mn
Ed. ODI - London
Pipes and people: Progress in urban water supply in Burkina Faso 
rapport - 2011 - 16 pp
Ed. ODI - London
Political economy analysis for operations in water and sanitation: a guidance note 
note - 2012 - 7 pp
Ed. ODI - London
Roles of Companies in Water Management. Extending the boundaries of private sector responsibility? 
rapport - 2012 - 49 pp
Ed. ECDPM - Maastricht DIE - Bonn ODI - London
L'interface rural-urbain pour l'eau : une étude préliminaire au Burkina Faso 
rapport - 2015
Ed. ODI - London
Water and Sanitation in Emergencies 
Good Practice Review rapport - 1994 - 126 pp
Ed. ODI - London
Water and sanitation, migration and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development 
rapport - 2018 - 16 pp
Ed. ODI - London

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