retour liste de documents détaillée6 documents:

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Delivering an off-grid transition to sustainable energy in Ethiopia and Mozambique 
article - 2022 - 18 pp
Ed. BMC - London
Designing a handwashing station for infrastructure-restricted communities in Bangladesh using the integrated behavioural model for water, sanitation and hygiene interventions (IBM-WASH) 
note - 2013 - 12 pp
Ed. BMC - London
Concevoir des interventions intégrées pour améliorer la nutrition et les comportements WASH au Kenya 
article - 2020
Ed. BMC - London
How does Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) affect latrine ownership? A quantitative case study from Mozambique 
article - 2018 - 10 pp
Ed. BMC - London
Identifying behavioural determinants for interventions to increase handwashing practices among primary school children in rural Burundi and urban Zimbabwe 
article - 2017 - 9 pp
Ed. BMC - London
Managing menstruation in the workplace: an overlooked issue in low- and middle-income countries 
article - 2016 - 5 pp
Ed. BMC - London

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