retour liste de documents détaillée17 documents:

1to 17 of 17

Government institutional emergent issues and gaps in disaster management mechanisms for WASH: a case study of Zambia's Kanyama peri-urban area 
article - 2022 - 12 pp
Ed. IWA - London
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation & Disaster Risk Reduction 
report - 2018 - 48 pp
Ed. IUCN - Montreuil
Risque d'inondation et villes des pays en développement 
report - 2017 - 111 pp
Ed. AFD - Paris
A tool for coastal and small island state water utilities to assess and manage climate change risk 
guide , decision support instrument - 2016 - 56 pp
Ed. GWOPA - Bonn
Risque climatique et accès à l'eau en Méditerranée: les recommandations 
report - 2015 - 8 pp
Ed. REF - Montreuil
Handbook on Process Safety Integrity for Utility Operators 
textbook - 2014 - 135 pp
Ed. IWA - London
Adaptation to Climate Change in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Assessing risks, appraising options in Africa 
report - 2014 - 98 pp
Ed. ODI - London
Conflicts, companies, human rights and water - A critical review of local corporate practices and global corporate initiatives 
report - 2012
Ed. PSIRU - London
Manual on flood forecasting and warning 
textbook - 2011 - 142 pp
Ed. OMM - Genève
Adaptation of WASH services delivery to climate change and other sources of risk and uncertainty 
report - 2011 - 96 pp
Ed. IRC - Den Haag
Guía para la reducción de la vulnerabilidad en Sistemas de agua potable y saneamiento 
guide - 2011 - 37 pp
Ed. INAA - Managua
Technical Notes on Drinking-water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Emergencies 
guide - 2011 - 64 pp
Ed. WEDC - Loughborough WHO - Genève
Sécurisation des installations d'eau potable vis-à-vis du risque intentionnel : approche vétérinaire 
report - 2009 - 45 pp
Ed. SSA - Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Dossiers de presse sur l'aléa sismique pour 6 régions françaises 
report - 2008 - 152 pp
Ed. Plan Séisme - Orléans
Minimizing Earthquake Damage: A Guide for Water Utilities 
guide - 2004
Ed. OPS - Lima
Earthquakeproof construction of one family houses in the West Indies : ( CP-MI West Indies handbook) 
Guide CP-MI Antilles guide - 2004 - 140 pp
Ed. AFPS - Paris DEAL Guadeloupe - Basse Terre Plan Séisme - Orléans
Le désert, l'eau et la guerre 
Le courrier n° 172 article - 1998 - 4 pp
Ed. Groupe URD - Plaisians

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