retour liste de documents détaillée129 documents:

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Lebanon Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) 
decision support instrument , report - 2024 - 72 pp
Ed. World Bank - Washington World Bank - Beirut
Séminaire Eau et Changement climatique : la nécessité d'une coopération internationale 
report , experience - 2023 - 24 pp
Ed. pS-Eau - Nancy - Grand Est - Nancy
Tany Malagasy n°27 - Actes du colloque GRND 2022 "Valorisons-nous nos ressources naturelles à leur juste valeur?" 
colloquium - 2023 - 367 pp
Ed. Université d'Antananarivo - Antananarivo
Long-Term Financing for City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation 
publication - 2023 - 10 pp
Ed. ADB - Manila
The overlooked solution: strengthening climate resilience through sanitation systems – policy paper 
report - 2023 - 16 pp
Ed. WaterAid - London
Synthèse des forages MSF réalisés entre 2021 et 2023 sur les régions de l'Anosy et de l'Androy 
report - 2023 - 425 pp
Ed. MSF - Ambovombe MSF - Paris
Fiche descriptive synthétique du programme AGIR-Eau (2022-2024) 
pamphlet - 2023 - 2 pp
Ed. GIZ - Cotonou
No climate resilience without WASH: a call to action 
position paper - 2022 - 16 pp
Ed. WaterAid - London
CapSud study : Development in Madagascar's Deep South - Some lessons from 30 years of development projects 
report , documentary review, bibliography - 2022 - 100 pp
Ed. BSE - Pessac IRD - Marseille UVSQ - Versailles
Impact of Climate Hazards on Rural Sanitation and Hygiene Practices in Burkina Faso 
position paper - 2022 - 8 pp
Ed. IDS - Brighton
Réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre des services d'eau et d'assainissement 
Aperçu des émissions et de leur potentiel de réduction illustré par le savoir-faire des services d’eau publication - 2022 - 60 pp
Ed. IWA - London PFE - Courbevoie
Atlas des grandes questions scientifiques sur l'eau en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre 
report - 2022 - 199 pp
Ed. PED - Dakar
Les mini-réseaux : des solutions à explorer pour améliorer durablement l'accès à l'eau potable dans l'Androy 
report - 2022 - 24 pp
Ed. GRET - Antananarivo GRET - Nogent sur Marne
Co-developing evidence-informed adaptation actions for resilient citywide sanitation: Local government response to climate change in Indonesia 
article - 2022 - 22 pp
Ed. Sage Journals -
Drought Resilience Profiles : Madagascar 
position paper - 2021 - 11 pp
Ed. World Bank - Washington
Conceptualization of Flow in a Snow-Governed Groundwater Catchment in Lebanon: Report 5: conceptual model and water balance 
decision support instrument , publication - 2021 - 12 pp
Ed. UNICEF - Beirut AUB - Beirut
Conceptualization of Flow in a Snow-Governed Groundwater Catchment in Lebanon: Report 6: Correlative analysis 
decision support instrument , publication - 2021 - 16 pp
Ed. UNICEF - Beirut AUB - Beirut
Déclaration des acteurs du bassin du fleuve Sénégal à Bakel 
event , communication material - 2021 - 3 pp
Ed. Grdr - Montreuil
Paris face aux changements climatiques 
publication - 2021 - 24 pp
Ed. Ville de Paris - Paris
Ville de Paris : Actualisation du diagnostic de vulnérabilités et de robustesses de Paris face aux changements climatiques et à la raréfaction des ressources - Cahier 4 : évaluation des risques pour le territoire parisien 
report - 2021 - 210 pp
Ed. Ramboll - Paris
Conceptualization of flow in a snow-governed groundwater catchment in Lebanon: Report 4: Geological report 
decision support instrument , publication - 2021 - 28 pp
Ed. UNICEF - Beirut AUB - Beirut
Le financement des projets Climat 
guide - 2021 - 28 pp
Ed. Coordination SUD - Paris
BMLWE Achivements and Future plans 2021 
slide show powerpoint - 2021 - 69 pp
Ed. EBML - Beirut
Climate risk country profile - Morocco 
report - 2021 - 36 pp
Ed. World Bank - Washington
Elements de compréhension sur le contexte du Grand Sud de Madagascar 
slide show powerpoint - 2021 - 23 pp
Ed. FR Group - Antananarivo
Réponses contre la famine (ou Kéré) dans le Sud par le Gouvernement 
slide show powerpoint - 2021 - 58 pp
Ed. MEAH - Antananarivo
Compte-rendu de la réunion institutionnelle du réseau Madagascar "Accès à l'eau potable dans le Grand Sud" 
report - 2021 - 10 pp
Ed. pS-Eau - Paris
Monitoring annual and inter-annual snow cover fluctuation in the summit areas of Kfardebian and their effects on water resources (Monitoring and analysis of Laban Spring discharge) 
file, study , decision support instrument , publication - 2021 - 54 pp
Ed. UNICEF - Beirut Université Saint Joseph - Beirut
Conceptualization of flow in a snow-governed groundwater catchment in Lebanon: Report 3: snow and flow webinar summary report 
report - 2020 - 9 pp
Ed. UNICEF - Beirut AUB - Beirut
Snow observatory 
slide show powerpoint - 2020 - 5 pp
Ed. Université Saint Joseph - Beirut
S-EAU-S: Notre avenir dépend du sien 
video - 2020 - 28 mn
Ed. CAPSO - Longuenesse
WASH Assessment Platform WAP report 2020 
report - 2020 - 96 pp
Ed. UNHCR - Beirut
Conceptualization of flow in a snow-governed groundwater catchment in Lebanon: report 2: artificial tracer experiment 
decision support instrument , publication - 2020 - 22 pp
Ed. UNICEF - Beirut AUB - Beirut
Rapport d'étude n°13 Prospective Asie du Sud Est 
report - 2020 - 111 pp
Ed. IRIS - Paris
The United Nations world water development report 2020: Water and climate change, executive summary 
position paper - 2020 - 12 pp
Ed. UNESCO - Paris
The United Nations world water development report 2020: water and climate change, facts and figures 
position paper - 2020 - 15 pp
Ed. UNESCO - Paris
WMO Statement on the State of the Global Climate in 2019 
report - 2020 - 44 pp
Ed. OMM - Genève
Every Drop counts 
brochure - 2020 - 4 pp
Ed. OMM - Genève
LEWAP Tuesday_Characterization and monitoring of water quality in Lebanon 
position paper - 2019 - 1 pp
Ed. LEWAP - Beirut
World Water Week 2019, Stockholm - Minutes of the session "Are WASH services climate ready? Vulnerability assessment and adaptation options" 
colloquium , report - 2019 - 4 pp
Ed. pS-Eau - Paris
World Water Week 2019, Stockholm - Presentation of the session "Are WASH services climate ready? Vulnerability assessment and adaptation options" 
colloquium , slide show powerpoint - 2019 - 40 pp
Ed. pS-Eau - Paris
Climate Change and Conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa 
decision support instrument - 2019
Ed. AUB - Beirut
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change adaptation& Disaster Risk Reduction 
documentary review, bibliography - 2019 - 44 pp
Ed. IUCN - Gland
Opportunities for sustainable sanitation in climate action 
publication - 2019 - 12 pp
Ed. SuSanA - Eschborn
La transition énergétique au Vietnam 
decision support instrument , pamphlet - 2019 - 2 pp
Ed. AFD - Paris
LEWAP Newsletter mars 2019 
newsletter - 2019 - 10 pp
Ed. LEWAP - Beirut pS-Eau - Paris
Eau-Climat : Tant de temps pour un temps que nous n'avons plus 
position paper - 2019 - 11 pp
Ed. 4D - Paris
WASH Services and Climate Change. Impacts and Responses. 
guide - 2019 - 76 pp
Ed. pS-Eau - Paris
Considering climate change in urban sanitation. Conceptual approaches and practical implications 
guide - 2019 - 28 pp
Ed. ISF - Sydney SNV - Den Haag
Eau, assainissement et changement climatique : le rôle de l'action extérieure des collectivités locales 
pamphlet - 2018 - 4 pp
Ed. pS-Eau - Paris

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