retour liste de documents détaillée17 documents:

1to 17 of 17

WIGO2021: Urban Water & Sanitation - Summary 
report - 2022 - 34 pp
Ed. WIN - Berlin
Water Integrity Global Outlook 2021 
report - 2021 - 245 pp
Ed. WIN - Berlin
Governance assessment with a focus on integrity risks in the water, sanitation and irrigation sectors for Benin 
report - 2017 - 24 pp
Ed. PNE - Cotonou SNV - Cotonou WIN - Berlin
Cartographie des risques de déficit d'intégrité dans le secteur de l'eau au Bénin - Etudes de Cas 
report - 2017 - 21 pp
Ed. PNE - Cotonou SNV - Cotonou WIN - Berlin
Water Integrity Global Outlook 2016 
report - 2016 - 266 pp
Ed. WIN - Berlin
Water Integrity Global Outlook 2016: Executive Summary 
report - 2016 - 17 pp
Ed. WIN - Berlin
Manuel de formation sur l'intégrité de l'eau adapté au contexte de l'Afrique de l'Ouest 
educational material , textbook - 2016 - 254 pp
Ed. WIN - Berlin
The Way Forward to Safeguard Water in Lebanon National Water Integrity Risk Assessment 
report - 2015 - 42 pp
Ed. AUB - Beirut
A human rights-based approach to tackling corruption in the water sector 
position paper - 2013 - 9 pp
Ed. WIN - Berlin WaterLex - Genève
Stopping the Drain on Resources: Fighting Corruption in the Water Sector 
position paper - 2013 - 28 pp
Ed. GIZ - Eschborn
Manual de capacitación sobre la integridad del agua 
textbook - 2012 - 144 pp
Ed. WIN - Berlin
Training Manual on Water Integrity 
textbook - 2011 - 144 pp
Ed. WIN - Berlin
Advocacy Guide 
Boite à outils pour des actions en faveur de l’Intégrité de l’Eau guide - 2010 - 68 pp
Ed. WIN - Berlin
Advocacy Guide 
A Toolbox for Water Integrity Action textbook - 2010 - 68 pp
Ed. WIN - Berlin
Guía de Incidencia 
Herramientas para las iniciativas de integridad en el sector del agua guide - 2010 - 68 pp
Ed. WIN - Berlin
Integrity pacts in the water sector: An implementation guide for government officials 
report - 2010 - 132 pp
Ed. Transparency International - Berlin WIN - Berlin
Corruption in the Water Sector 
report - 2008 - 282 pp
Ed. Transparency International - Berlin Transparency International France - Paris

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