retour liste de documents détaillée4 documents:

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Systematic review: Hygiene and health: systematic review of handwashing practices worldwide and update of health effects 
article - 2014 - 11 pp - n° 12339
Ed. John Wiley - Hoboken
Global assessment of exposure to faecal contamination through drinking water based on a systematic review 
article - 2014 - 14 pp - n° 12334
Ed. John Wiley - Hoboken
Systematic review: Assessing the impact of drinking water and sanitation on diarrhoeal disease in low- and middle-income settings: systematic review and meta-regression 
article - 2014 - 15 pp - n° 12331
Ed. John Wiley - Hoboken
Burden of disease from inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene in low- and middle-income settings: a retrospective analysis of data from 145 countries 
article - 2014 - 12 pp - n° 12329
Ed. John Wiley - Hoboken

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