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Graphics On Hand Washing and Disease Transmission

poster, visual aid Jan 2010 ; 7 pages
Ed. K4Health - Baltimore USAID - Washington
Downloadable format: PdF (6 080 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
Graphics On Hand Washing and Disease Transmission, including the Contamination Cycle, Drinking and Cooking Water, Feces Management, How to Wash Hands, Steps for Routine Handwashing, and When to Wash Hands.
Contamination Cycle.jpg (882.69k)
Drinking and Cooking Water.jpg (1.3M)
Feces Management.jpg (1.42M)
How to Wash Hands.jpg (859.29k)
Steps for Routine Handwashing.jpg (175.05k)
When to Wash Hands.jpg (1.18M)
Graphics On Hand Washing and Disease Transmission Combined.pdf (5.8M)


hand washing, soap (CI) (DT) (ET)


K4Health - Knowledge for Health Project - Baltimore - Usa

USAID - US Agency for International Development - Washington - Usa

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