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Thirsting for a Future: Water and children in a changing climate

report Mar 2017 ; 80 pages
Ed. UNICEF - New York ; Isbn: 978-92-806-4874-4
Downloadable format: PdF (6 020 ko)
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Editor Presentation
   Résumé Analytique Abstract:
Climate change is one of many forces contributing to an unfolding water crisis. In the coming years, the demand for water will increase as food production grows, populations grow and move, industries develop and consumption increases. This can lead to water stress, as increasing demand and use of water strain available supplies. One of the most effective ways to protect children in the face of climate change is to safeguard their access to safe water and sanitation. This report shares a series of solutions, policy responses and case studies from UNICEF’s work around the world.


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UNICEF - New York - Usa

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