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Menstrual hygiene matters - A resource for improving menstrual hygiene around the world

textbook Jan 2012 ; 354 pages
Aut. Sue Cavill & Thérèse Mahon & Sarah House
WaterAid - London
Downloadable format: PdF (18 940 ko)
Downloadable from the publisher
Editor Presentation
Ce manuel de WaterAid sur l'hygiène menstruelle comprend 9 modules et outils qui couvrent différents aspects clés de l'hygiène menstruelle dans différents contextes, dont les communautés, les écoles et les situations d'urgence.
"Menstrual hygiene matters" is an essential resource for improving menstrual hygiene for women and girls in lower and middle-income countries.
Nine modules and toolkits cover key aspects of menstrual hygiene in different settings, including communities, schools and emergencies.
This comprehensive resource:
• Brings together examples of good menstrual hygiene practice from around the world
• Provides guidance on building competence and confidence to break the silence surrounding the issue
• Encourages increased engagement in advocacy on menstrual hygiene

Target Audience:

Cooperation actors


menstrual hygiene (CI) (DT) (ET) , school (CI) (DT) (ET) , women (CI) (DT) (ET)


WaterAid - London - United Kingdom

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