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Linking Technology Choice with Operation and Maintenance for low-cost Water Supply and Sanitation, Operation & Maintenance Group, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council

report Jan 2003 ; 142 pages
Aut. Maarten Bredero & François Brikké
Ed. IRC - Den Haag WHO - Genève ; Isbn: 92 4 156215 3
Downloadable format: PdF (2 510 ko)
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The present document aims to help decision-makers identify the most appropriate technology for expanding water supply and sanitation services, taking into account the conditions in the project area. The document focuses on developing countries, and provides essential information on the types of water-supply and sanitation technologies available, including descriptions of the operation and maintenance requirements of the technologies, the actors involved and the skills they must have or must acquire.


low cost technology (CI) (DT) (ET) , maintenance (CI) (DT) (ET)


IRC - Den Haag - Netherlands

WHO - World Health Organization - Genève - Switzerland

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