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Mobilizing Diaspora Entrepreneurship for Development

report Oct 2010 ; 35 pages
Aut. Kathleen Newland & Hiroyuki Tanaka
MPI - Washington USAID - Washington
Downloadable format: PdF (2 220 ko)
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Diasporas are in a unique position to have a positive effect on the economy of their countries of origin – the key is for those countries to seize the opportunities. This report, the fifth in a series examining the role of diasporas in development policy, documents how diaspora entrepreneurs often are motivated to contribute to job creation and economic growth in their native lands. But, as the report outlines, many developing countries have met only limited success in attracting diaspora investors and entrepreneurs. The study offers some key findings and policy options.
The key findings, which include policy options, point to the potential for a symbiotic relationship:
- Diaspora entrepreneurship creates businesses and jobs, and spurs innovation.
- Diaspora investors create economic, social, and political capital through global networks.
- Diaspora entrepreneurs tap into social capital through their comparative advantages in cultural and linguistic understanding.

Target Audience:

Cooperation actors


company (creation) (CI) (DT) (ET) , migrant (CI) (DT) (ET)


MPI - Migration Policy Institute - Washington - Usa

USAID - US Agency for International Development - Washington - Usa

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